Lange Nacht der (angefangenen) Hausarbeiten

Write and study until daybreak – the Long Night is back for another round!
On July 26, we will be opening the Südstadt Library for you until 03:00 a.m. so that you can study, write assignments or simply spend a relaxed evening with friends. Starting at 3 p.m., you can look forward to exciting workshops – including on your rights during your studies, how to deal with exam anxiety and ways to research and organize literature – lots of snacks, drinks and soup, indoor and outdoor games as well as yoga, meditation and energizer sessions to give you new strength for your exam preparation. You will find the final program soon at
For students with child(ren), we offer on-site childcare from 15:00 to 20:00. Questions and registrations can be directed to
Where: Südstadtbibliothek
When: 15:00–03:00