Beratungen in allen Lebenslagen!
Studying sometimes brings a lot of challenges with it:
Exams have to be taken, fees have to be paid, and the day-to-day student madness has to be overcome. It doesn’t always run smoothly – no money for the semester fee, how do I actually apply for BAFöG, and what do I do with my children when I have to go to university? And what can I do if I have exam nerves or want to take a semester off? Who can I turn to if I have been discriminated against? We can provide support! Our lecturers and staff from the areas of study and teaching, teaching, social affairs, anti-racism and equal opportunities are always there for you.
We will stand up for you in the relevant places at the university, and sometimes shut up if necessary. Our counselling sessions are from students for students, anonymous and free of charge.