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University groups

On January 31, 2024, the StuRa passed a resolution on university groups. This regulates what university groups are, how they can be accredited by the AStA and how they should work. From now on, student interest groups that would like to become a university group can register with the AStA.

You can find the resolution here.

Below we have answered a few questions that you may be asking yourself.

What does accreditation mean?

Accreditation means something like “giving credence”. Accreditations exist in various areas such as sport, diplomacy, business and universities. As a rule, they represent a type of approval or confirmation issued by an authorized body. This requires proof of certain qualities and abilities as well as compliance with specified standards.


In our case, accreditation means that a student interest group must present itself to the AStA and be “assessed” by it in order to officially become a university group. The AStA checks whether all requirements from the resolution have been met.

Why should you become a university group?

University groups receive some special support from the constituted student body to enable or facilitate their work.

(1) Loan of inventory of the AStA according to the procedure of the AStA.
(2) Use of premises of the student body according to the procedure of the AStA.
(3) Support in creating a functional account from the university, thus access to StudiCloud and Zoom.
(4) Support for the use of the premises of the university and the student union.
(5) Publication of a list of all university groups (HSGs) including contact details on the AStA website.
(6) Promotion of projects of the HSGs via the channels of the student body in accordance with the AStA.

Were there no university groups before?

From 2014 to 2023, there was a university group resolution and also accredited university groups. However, the resolution was very short and general, so it was not easy to work with. As a result, the AStA and StuRa decided that a new resolution should be drawn up. The old resolution was repealed so that there were no official university groups in the meantime.

Who can become a university group?

All student interest groups that meet certain criteria can become university groups. In particular, the main place of activity of the interest group must be the university and its students and at least 25% of the members must be studying at the University of Rostock. Further criteria can be found in the resolution.

How do you become a university group?

In order to become a university group, a corresponding application must be submitted to the AStA. You can find the template for the application here. You can send the application to The following items must be included:

  • The statutes you would like to have as a university group. We have drawn up a model constitution for this here.
  • A list of the members of the interest group, which clearly shows the ratio of student and non-student members. The names of non-student members may be blacked out. The enrollment status must be documented by certificates of enrollment. More than a quarter of the members of your interest group must be students!

It is advisable to contact the AStA before submitting your application. The best way to do this is simply to write an e-mail to

We are very much looking forward to the new university groups and are always available to answer your questions!

Here you can find a list of the currently accredited university groups:

Link to the statutes of the university groups:
